
I took Hub to the Vet’s today and

Had her put to sleep. First, we went

To the beach for a final walk. The

Dog didn’t know what I had planned for her.

No-one did. It was better

That way.


That’s the deal you see. I made a

Pact with myself the day I

Brought her back from Armagh as

A pup, lepping and squealing round the car

Black, shiny new she was happy

That day.


She sat intent behind me in the car

Head erect looking straight ahead,

Facing her fate unflinchingly,

No-one would have known

She was sick and in truth it was better

That way.


When she arrived here and the one year old

Boy kicked, tussled and fought the bit out.

Dog the little man’s best friend. Now she haunts

Old family photos like other dogs before her,

Sticking a snout in here, there

Every where.


Her coat was gleaming back, shining

The picture of healthiness, she tagged

Dutifully along into the vet’s

It broke my heart I couldn’t

Bear what I had to do

That day.


My daughter the animal lover had

A soft spot for her Hub and

Every morning hugged Hub before

She had anything to eat. When I told her

The news she wisely said better

That way dad.

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